Value Proposition Canvas

Precisely define your customer profiles

Identify your customer’s major Jobs-to-be-done, the pains they face when trying to accomplish their Jobs-to-be-done and the gains they perceive by getting their jobs done.

Visualize the value you create

Define the most important components of your offering, how you relieve pain and create gains for your customers.

Achieve Product-Market fit

Adjust your Value Proposition based on the insights you gained from customer evidence and achieve Product-Market fit.

Value Proposition Canvas Explained

This method from the bestselling innovation book Value Proposition Design is applied in leading organizations and start-ups worldwide.

Link to the tool:

CORSHIP – Corporate EDUpreneurship
Benefitting Startups, Universities and Corporates across Europe

CORSHIP is a diverse Knowledge Alliance between university, corporate and startup worlds.

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CORSHIP, 2019, Creative Commons BY-SA license