- The first moderated run of the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on how to unleash the potential of Corporate & Startup Collaboration was successfully conducted with +2.400 learners.
- The self-paced version of the course is still available. Interested learners can still do the course for free and earn a confirmation of participation. The confirmation of participation will entitle you to apply for the Co-Innovation MasterClass!

Would you be interested in a 2nd moderated run of this course? Then please inform us via corship2020@gmail.com
Course Description
In times of a more disruptive, complex, and dynamic world than ever experienced before, innovation is no longer a luxury, but a precondition of business survival. Forward-thinking, established companies are turning innovation challenges into opportunities and are teaming up with fast, creative startups to jointly disrupt whole industries. The competition to survive gets replaced by the collaboration to thrive – to thrive in this new, exciting ecosystem of opportunities.
But this is only true for selected actors – the majority is not making use of this collaboration potential. This course will guide you on how to prepare, plan, and implement a mutually beneficial collaboration, regardless if you are a startup, a corporate, or generally interested to reap the potentials.
What will you learn in this MOOC?
After finishing this course you should be able to:
- recognize the benefits and challenges of Startup-Corporate collaboration,
- characterize the urgency of innovation in the corporate world,
- find and examine matches between potential partners,
- distinguish and explore existing formats of collaboration,
- understand both Startups and Corporates to streamline the collaboration, and
- apply dedicated tools and techniques to overcome collaboration challenges and design a joint roadmap.
How is this course structured?
- Week 1 of the course is all about the „Why“. It outlines the theoretical concept, its relevance, and potential for both corporates and startups.
- Week 2 is about the „How“. Different approaches to finding your innovation partner and various formats of co-innovation will be covered.
- Week 3 embraces the corporate perspective, it prepares your company to successfully co-innovate with startups.
- Week 4 is the startup week and will flip the perspective to equip your startup with the necessary insights for co-innovating with a strong, large partner.
After week 4, the fast track ends. Here, the real experience starts and you are invited to continue with two extra weeks in cross-sectoral teams to work on real-life challenges with dedicated tools.
For whom?
This course is for…
- managers and employees excited to explore a new world of opportunities for their companies,
- entrepreneurs looking for new strong partners to leverage their business to the next level,
- students and people looking for opportunities in general that are open to exploring the new dynamics of joint innovation.
How to learn?
The learning journey includes a mix of lightning talks, informative articles, quizzes, discussions, and engaging activities to bring different actors together. Two-course tracks – a fast track and a full track – are there to cater to individual learning needs.
Along the course, we will introduce a dedicated toolbox to support you in your journey, with the „Co-Innovation Builder“ in its center. On top, this MOOC carries the opportunity to qualify for the Co-Innovation Masterclass – a MicroCredential limited to 30 participants with co-innovation boot camps in Berlin and Cracow.
How much time do you need?
The course is now available in a self-paced version. You can do the self-paced course within a few hours, depending on your time availability and topic preferences and interests.
What kind of credential can you get?
- Certificate of participation: Work through at least 50% of the materials, quizzes, resources, and discussions of the first 4 weeks.
- Certificate of completion with a fast track record of achievement: Fulfill the requirements for the certificate of participation and pass a multiple-choice test at the end of week 4.
- Certificate of completion with a full track record of achievement: Fulfill the requirements of the fast track plus actively participate in a group to work with Co-Innovation Builder in week 5 and complete the peer review process in week 6.
No Fees!
Participation at the MOOC and all types of credentials are for free. No fees will be charged at any part of this course.
Anything else?
The main course language is English.