CORSHIP : Corporate EDUpreneurship – Benefitting Startups, Universities and Corporates across Europe
Disruptive innovation and digitalization are challenging Europe´s business and educational worlds. The concept of “Corporate Entrepreneurship” (CE), where established companies (corporates) team up with creative entrepreneurs, has huge potential to turn these challenges into opportunities. Corporates receive fresh ideas and startups – currently faced with high failure rates and competition for venture capital – receive new strong partners.
Recently, a few EU corporates and startups have begun to embrace the concept. However, cooperation often fails due to misunderstandings on both sides. Moreover, universities – traditionally exhaustive sources of innovation – are not part of this movement yet, but an academic grounding connected to certification would benefit all sides. On top, universities urgently need new partners to find answers to digital educational trends (“Edupreneurship”) and changing needs (skills gap).
Therefore, CORSHIP set out to establish a joint language between corporates, startups and universities to successfully exploit the full potential of CE across sectors and industries. This was done by connecting them through 3 core results:
- the first micro-credential (a modular, flexible format stemming from MOOCs) Pilot worldwide on corporate entrepreneurship for 42 selected entrepreneurs, managers, students;
- the first MOOC on corporate entrepreneurship (2.400+ entrepreneurs, managers, students);
- and a unique corporate entrepreneurship Toolbox (guidelines, tools for 10.000+ users) to facilitate the collaboration between the 3 target groups.

CORSHIP gathers 7 carefully selected partners from 6 countries representing universities, corporates, startups and innovation networks. 4 Associate partners add additional business and edupreneurship experience. On top, 20 letters of support from end-users underline huge demand.
All 3 core results will be turned into permanent offers to trigger a long-term benefit for startups, universities and corporates across Europe to jointly become fit for the digital age.
Programme: Erasmus+ | Key Action 2 | Knowledge Alliances
Reference Number: 600899-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-KA
Project Duration: 36 months, 1/1/2019 – 31/12/2021