For a start, we have picked five books and five reports that we consider must-reads in the domain of co-innovation. What are your personal favorites? What needs to be added? Let us know.
- The Corporate Startup: In their award-winning publication, Tendayi Viki (who is also a guest speaker in this course), Dan Toma and Esther Gons build an innovation ecosystem for established companies from scratch. Hands-on, many examples and combining many well-established.
Viki, T., Toma, D., & Gons, E. (2017). The Corporate Startup. 300. www.thecorporatestartup.com - The Lean Start-up and The Startup Way: Eric Ries, co-founder of the Lean Startup Movement kicks off a movement in 2011 with his book “The Lean Start-up” and later on translates this methodology into a corporate environment (2017).
Ries, E. (2012). The Lean Startup. How Constant Innovation Creates Radically Successful Businesses, Penguin Books Ltd
Ries, E. (2017). The Start-up Way: How Modern Companies Use Entrepreneurial Management to Transform Culture and Drive Long-term Growth. - The Innovator’s Dilemma & The Innovator’s Solution: An oldie-but-goldie, strategy Clayton M. Christensen (R.I.P.) who also coined the omnipresent term disruptive innovation, elaborates in his bestselling publication already back in 1997 why established companies struggle to innovate.
Christensen, M. (1997). The Innovator´s Dilemma.
Christensen, C. M., & Raynor, M. E. (2003). The Innovator’s Solution. 25(11), 1–8. - Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works. Ash Maurya extents the work by Eric Ries and adapt the well-known Business Model Canvas to the Lean Canvas. He shows, how to draw up the hypothesis, interview customers, run experiments, and draw conclusions in a very hands-on way.
Maurya, A. (2012). Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works. O’Reilly and Associates. - The Invincible Company, Business Model Innovation and Value Proposition Design: After publishing and conquering the innovation world with the Business Model Canvas, Osterwalder and colleagues take the next step by exploring how companies such as Amazon, IKEA, or Airbnb have disrupted entire industries and support you in designing your own blueprint for your company.
Osterwalder et al. (2020). The Invincible Company: How to Constantly Reinvent Your Organization with Inspiration From the World’s Best Business Models.
Find the other publications here: https://www.strategyzer.com/books
Reports, guides and articles
- The Age of Collaboration: Matchmaker Ventures & Arthur D. Little surveyed 340 corporates and 203 startups, representing over 70 countries to the status, pains and gain of collaboration. They compare the findings with the first study done in 2016 and elaborate trends and future outlook. Other companies have provided interesting regional studies on the innovation landscape, such as Pioneers with their Innovation Landscape Study surveying 104 companies from Germany, Austria, and Switzerland.
Matchmaker Ventures & Arthur D. Little (2019). „The Age of Collaboration II”
Matchmaker Ventures & Arthur D. Little (2016) „The Age of Collaboration”
Pioneers (2019). DACH Innovation Landscape Study. - Engaging with Startups to Enhance Corporate Innovation: This academic article, co-authored by the renown Henry Chesbrough, examines how large corporations from the tech industry have begun to tap into entrepreneurial innovation from startups. Prominent examples are used to inductively derive a set of four models commonly used to engage with startups and to describe their characteristics, challenges, and rationales. Weiblen T., Chesbrough H.W. (2015). Engaging with Startups to Enhance Corporate Innovation. “California Management Review”, vol. 57(2), pp. 66-90.
- Collaboration between startups and corporates: A practical guide for mutual understanding. The World Economic Forum provides a practical guide for how start-ups and corporates can work together with this report. It gives an overview of various possible collaboration models, and identifies the collaboration qualification questions for start-ups and corporates, and includes a “Collaboration FAQ” for each side. World Economic Forum. (2018). Collaboration between start-Ups and corporates – A practical guide for mutual understanding. (White Paper).
- Winning together: a guide to successful corporate-startup collaborations. A hands-on guide to collaboration by Nesta, Founders Intelligence, and Startup Europe Partnership with 10 key lessons on designing, measuring, and implementing the collaboration.Mocker, V., Bielli, S., & Haley, C. (2015). Nesta: Winning together -a guide to successful corporate-startup collaborations.
- Corporate Entrepreneurship Approaches. The CORSHIP initiative has summarized many of the above-mentioned sources and conducted 12 expert interviews to provide a current snapshot to different approaches on how corporates and startups cooperate in Europe. In addition, there is a short article summarizing the benefits, risks, and challenges of corporate-startup collaboration by CORSHIP. Uotila, T. P. et al. (2019). Corporate Entrepreneurship Approaches. CORSHIP project. Urbaniec, M., Sady, M. & Zur, A. (2019). Benefits, Risks and Challenges of Corporate-startup collaboration. CORSHIP project.
Added by our users (Thank you!!):
6. World Fintech Report. The World FinTech Report 2020 from Capgemini and Efma explores how effective collaboration between inventive banks and mature FinTechs can help fill in the gaps from the front to the back office to deliver a meaningful customer and user experience. Capgemini & Efma (2020). World Fintech Report 2020.
7. The Next Stage of Startup Collaboration. A new white paper by acccoi and Pioneers elaborating on how to increase success by measuring innovation KPIs during all phases of startup engagement. Wlaschitz, M. & Reinhardt, Camilla (2020). The Next Stage of Startup Collaboration