CORSHIP´s first research insights on micro-credentials available
Get an overview of the status quo of micro-credentials (both in EU and global) and explore 19 key findings derived from in-depth interviews with 11 experts.
Get an overview of the status quo of micro-credentials (both in EU and global) and explore 19 key findings derived from in-depth interviews with 11 experts.
The CORSHIP Team met in Naples and provided a bootcamp at the EMOOCs conference on how to design MOOCs for business use. Next, the team held a two-day internal workshop to work on the Corporate Entrepreneurship MOOC which will be published next year.
Our fellow-project “SCOPE – Skills for Corporate Entrepreneurship” is providing free training for future intrapreneurs and managers keen to nurture corporate Entrepreneurship within their organizations.
Corshippers from AVL and FH JOANNEUM crashed the 4Gamechangers Festival in Vienna to spread the word about our project.
From February 12 until February 14, 2019, CORSHIP’s partners met for the first time at Beta-i in Lisbon for a fruitful exchange and learning mobility. Long-awaited meeting with great outputs!
The EU-funded project CORSHIP kicked off in January 2019 for a three-year-long journey dedicated to corporate edupreneurship. Excited what this is all about? Stay tuned!